// Example
var ourName;
var myName;
// Define myName below this line
03-Storing Values with the Assignment Operator
// Setup
var a;
var b = 2;
// Only change code below this line
a = 7;
b = a;
04-Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
使用 = 給變數一個初始值
// Example
var ourVar = 19;
// Only change code below this line
var a = 9;
05-Understanding Uninitialized Variables
只有宣告變數的話,初始值為 undefined
如果對 undefined 變數做數學運算,結果會是 NaN,代表 not a number
// Initialize these three variables
var a=5;
var b=10;
var c="I am a";
// Do not change code below this line
a = a + 1;
b = b + 5;
c = c + " String!";
06-Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables
JS 的變數對大小寫敏感
推薦駝峰命名法 camelCase
// Declarations
var studlyCapVar;
var properCamelCase;
var titleCaseOver;
// Assignments
studlyCapVar = 10;
properCamelCase = "A String";
titleCaseOver = 9000;
07-Add Two Numbers with JavaScript
var sum = 10 + 10;
08-Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript
var difference = 45 - 33;
09-Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript
var product = 8 * 10;
10-Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript
var quotient = 66 / 33;
11-Increment a Number with JavaScript
var myVar = 87;
// Only change code below this line
12-Decrement a Number with JavaScript
var myVar = 11;
// Only change code below this line
13-Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
var ourDecimal = 5.7;
// Only change code below this line
var myDecimal = 5.7;
// Only change code below this line
var remainder = 11 % 3 ;
17-Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition
var a = 3;
var b = 17;
var c = 12;
// Only modify code below this line
a += 12;
b += 9;
c += 7;
18-Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction
var a = 11;
var b = 9;
var c = 3;
// Only modify code below this line
a -= 6;
b -= 15;
c -= 1;
19-Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication
var a = 5;
var b = 12;
var c = 4.6;
// Only modify code below this line
a *= 5;
b *= 3 ;
c *= 10;
20-Compound Assignment With Augmented Division
var a = 48;
var b = 108;
var c = 33;
// Only modify code below this line
a /= 12;
b /= 4;
c /= 11;
21-Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
function convertToF(celsius) {
var fahrenheit;
// Only change code below this line
fahrenheit = celsius * (9/5) + 32;
// Only change code above this line
return fahrenheit;
// Change the inputs below to test your code
22-Declare String Variables
// Example
var firstName = "Alan";
var lastName = "Turing";
// Only change code below this line
var myFirstName = "Chiu";
var myLastName = "Chi Wei";
23-Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings
var myStr; // Change this line
myStr = "I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\".";
24-Quoting Strings with Single Quotes
這功能好神奇,這樣不需要 back slash、反斜杠來跳脫字元了
var myStr = '<a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">Link</a>';
var myStr; // Change this line
myStr = 'FirstLine\n\\SecondLine\\\rThirdLine';
26-Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator
// Example
var ourStr = "I come first. " + "I come second.";
// Only change code below this line
var myStr = "This is the start. " + "This is the end.";
27-Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator
// Example
var ourStr = "I come first. ";
ourStr += "I come second.";
// Only change code below this line
var myStr = "This is the first sentence. ";
myStr += "This is the second sentence.";
28-Constructing Strings with Variables
// Example
var ourName = "Free Code Camp";
var ourStr = "Hello, our name is " + ourName + ", how are you?";
// Only change code below this line
var myName = "邱繼緯";
var myStr = "My name is" + myName + " and I am swell";
29-Appending Variables to Strings
// Example
var anAdjective = "awesome!";
var ourStr = "Free Code Camp is ";
ourStr += anAdjective;
// Only change code below this line
var someAdjective = "酷喔喔";
var myStr = "Learning to code is ";
myStr += someAdjective;
30-Find the Length of a String
// Example
var firstNameLength = 0;
var firstName = "Ada";
firstNameLength = firstName.length;
// Setup
var lastNameLength = 0;
var lastName = "Lovelace";
// Only change code below this line.
lastNameLength = lastName.length;